Reopening Info - Worship Center

Reopening Info - Worship Center


    We can't wait to welcome you back to worship at Cross City. Here are a few details about the service.

    8:30 am Traditional Worship Service
    11:00 am Worship Service

    Worship Center

    To help provide the safest environment possible, we're asking all of us to use masks until we're at our seats and more than 6 feet from those not in our household. Masks should be re-applied before leaving our seats.

    Parking and Entrance:
    Please park in our guest parking (see the map below). Our parking attendance will help you find your way using the entrances that lead into the worship center (also indicated on the map). Our greeters will happily guide through the open doors. We want to avoid any of us coming on campus and unintentionally infecting others. Once inside, you will see hand sanitizing stations throughout the lobby area. 

    See the parking and entrance map.

    Worship Center Seating:
    Please allow our ushers to seat you. The three primary entrances to the Worship Center will be opened, and doors will remain open throughout the service. Our ushers will seat you as a family, group, or individual, and three seats will be left between you and other individuals/groups. We will also keep an empty row between groups and individuals to allow for social distancing. Only the lower seating area will be open.

    To protect you, we will not pass an offering plate. Instead, our ushers will hold offering bags and will be at the doors as you exit. You may also use the offering boxes or give online at

    We're looking forward to a GREAT Sunday of worshiping with you!

    See what we're doing to keep each other safe.


    Please use the entrances indicated on the parking map.