An experience you’ll never forget!

See, hear, and feel the story of the cross. Pastor John Meador will build a 10+ foot cross as he details the events that led to his crucifixion. You’ll step into history as the timeline unfolds, understanding his sacrifice in a new way and discovering the depth of his love for all of us—and His love for you! It’s a unique, unforgettable experience!

The Cross Service

Friday, April 18 • 7 pm

Euless Campus Worship Center

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A celebration that changes everything

Easter Sunday is one of the most celebrated days across the world. Death could not contain Jesus, and because of His resurrection, we can experience real life today! We’ll celebrate together and remember the hope available to ALL because of Christ. It’s the most inspiring Sunday of the year, so come and experience it with us!

Easter Sunday

Sunday, April 20

Euless Campus

9:30 am – Worship Service
11:00 am – Worship Service
11:00 am – International Service
11:00 am – Español Service

No Adult Connection Groups

Alliance Campus

10:00 am – Worship Service

Euless Campus

1000 Airport Fwy, Euless, TX 76039
On the northeast corner of 183 and Industrial Blvd

Alliance Campus

At Haslet Elementary

1188 Wisdom Way Dr, Haslet, TX 76052

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