There are many other ways to give, including non-cash gifts, estate giving, and more. To give a different type of gift, please call us at 817-267-3313 or email
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Text “CrossCity” to 45888
followed by any amount, then follow the instructions.
Give once or set up
recurring gifts
Give online once or set up a recurring gift.
Once you set up an account, you can return to give again or change a recurring gift.
Give at the church
You can give at the church at any giving box or in the bags/buckets as you leave.
Envelopes are in the seatback pockets, in your chair, and at the giving boxes.
It’s easy to mail your gift
Cross City Church
1000 Airport FWY
Euless, TX 76039
Resources that reach people
By His example, God teaches us to give! He set a standard for unconditional love and sacrificial giving; He gave His son for our eternal life. It is our duty as Christians to give as God has commanded us.
Giving reminds us that “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” God owns everything and entrusts its stewardship to us. The Bible tells us that when God calls us to give, He calls us to be blessed, not just in money but in our lives.
Today, we as a nation are experiencing tough financial times, which is all the more reason to know what God says about giving.
We all know that the Bible tells us that “he who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly.” Yet there is more to know about giving than this.
We don’t give in order to get. We give to worship; we give to make an impact; we give to make a difference in people’s lives; we give to further ministry; we give to help people all over the world.
To understand what your heart values most, consider how you spend your money. Money most easily flows through your hands to those things that matter most to you. When you look at what you do with money, you will see where your treasure lies and where your heart stands.
Believe God; trust God; give as God instructs you to give; and God will provide for you. God will not let you down if you will obey Him. He will provide for you so you can continue to be faithful. He will take care of you.
I invite you to learn more about what the Bible teaches us about giving and make it part of your life.
10,000 Blessings,
John Meador
Lead Pastor
Contact the Executive Pastor of Finance for assistance or help with giving.
Budget – Received
Budget – Planned
Cross City Missions
Mid Cities Women's Clinic
Cooperative Program
A tithe is a simple, biblical approach to giving. Literally meaning “tenth,” it’s the practice of giving a tenth of what we earn to God. We see this with Abraham (Genesis 14:20), with offerings at the Temple (2 Chronicles 31:5), in Malachi 3, and in other places in scripture as well. It’s an act of worship that we still practice today.
Ask anyone who gives, and they’ll tell you the same thing: God has blessed them. Although giving a tenth of what you earn can be challenging, God rewards those who faithfully give. In Malachi 3, God said to His people regarding the tithe, “‘…and to and test Me now in this,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.'”
Here are a couple of simple resources that can help you get started: