Dear Church Family,

2024 was another year of faith-filled next steps. As we look back over the past year, I am incredibly thankful for a church that is focused on reaching people for Christ. We have further increased our focus on inviting our friends, neighbors, coworkers, and those in our community who are the most in need of hearing the good news of Jesus Christ. Because of your faithful giving, we have been able to reach more people this year and continue to see more new families walk through our doors on Sundays. I’m celebrating what God is doing because people need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ now more than ever!

Throughout 2024, we’ve worked to expand and improve how we reach people. Staff, lay leaders, and committees have partnered to continually refine processes and better fulfill our mission of reaching all people for Christ. That mission is being made more tangible and realizable through our strategies and prayerful plans. The results are always up to God, but we want to do all we can to be faithful stewards.

2024 continued our focus on three prayers. We’re still praying: 1) God, is this of You? 2) God, what’s my part? and 3) God, bless Your people. Consistent with His character, Jehovah Jireh yet again came through with passionate leaders, life-changing ministry, and timely funding.

Now, we look ahead to 2025. I am always excited to see what God has in store for this body of believers who love God, love God’s Word, and love God’s people—believers who are all in and who align with His purpose. I’m all in. I am confident that God has gone before us and has prepared us to reach new people in the Mid-Cities area and in the Alliance Region of NW Tarrant County where our North Campus will build a permanent home! Please join me and so many others who can’t wait to see what Jehovah Jireh has in store for us!


10,000 Blessings,

John Meador,
Lead Pastor

In response to long-term giving trends, the 2025 operating budget reflects an increase of $300,000 from the 2024 budget. Thankfully, we have seen God’s provision for Cross City continue to increase. As always, we have a passion to faithfully use any resources given to fulfill God’s will for this community through our church.

This budget is a prayerful collaboration of staff and lay leaders. The Personnel Committee approves its portion of the budget. The Budget & Finance Committee approves the entire operating budget. The church staff team makes recommendations and provides budget details for reporting and accountability. Transparency, integrity, and stewardship are cornerstones of our financial processes.

Sunday, November 17 • 6 pm • Euless Chapel 
Members are encouraged to ask questions about the proposed 2025 operating budget.

Sunday, November 24 • 8:30 & 11 am Services
Join us on the Euless Campus to affirm the 2025 budget.

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