Join us on February 2 for Healthy Home Sunday. We’ll take a moment to answer the question, “Who are my people?” and see why having a church family is so important. We’ll keep the regular Sunday schedule with Connection Groups and worship services.
Healthy Home is Cross City Church’s ongoing effort to help people build strong spiritual foundations and pass them on. We focus on five questions that, when we understand God’s answers, will transform us and help us be healthy Christ-followers.
As we become spiritually healthy, we must focus on the health of others. We each have opportunities and responsibilities to focus on those closest to us and help them understand Biblical answers to these questions as well. For many, this starts with our children. For others, it starts with friends and family. Though each person is unique, our responsibility is the same—help others grow in truth.
It’s simple! We’re keeping our regular Sunday schedule, and you are welcome to attend your usual worship service and Connection Group. If you don’t have a usual group or service you attend, we’d love to help! Stop by Guest Central on Sunday, or plan a visit here.
Euless Campus
8:30 – Traditional Service
9:30 – Connection Groups (Groups meet as usual)
11:00 – Worship Service
Alliance Campus
10:00 – Worship Service
All Campuses