Missions Sunday

Sunday, October 6

Join us as we explore how God is at work through Cross City here and around the world. We’ll also discover ways that we can all be involved in sharing the hope of Christ with those around us every day! Every service on the Euless Campus will participate.


8:30 – Traditional Service, Chapel

9:30 – Connection

11:00 -Worship Service, Worship Center• International Service, The City • Español service, Chapel

Real Hope for the World

The world needs hope, and real hope can only be found in one place. We’re here to tell the world about that hope, and we’ve got a plan to do just that. Our mission is simple: find ways to share Christ with those around us every day. That includes our local neighbors and neighbors halfway around the world. It’s all laid out for us in Matthew 28:19-20:

Teaching others about Christ
Making believers of all nations, and
Baptizing new believers

What's my part?

There are so many ways to participate in missions!  Join us for Missions Sunday to hear more, and visit our missions page to see the different ways we work to reach people. 


August 21, 2024




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