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Global Missions

Real Hope for the World

The world needs hope, and real hope can only be found in one place. We’re here to tell the world about that hope, and we’ve got a plan to do just that. Our mission is simple: find ways to share Christ with those around us every day. That includes our local neighbors and neighbors halfway around the world. It’s all laid out for us in Matthew 28:19-20:

What's my part?

There are so many ways you can particpate in missions! Look at the get involved section below to find out more!

Give to missions

When you give to missions, 100% of your gift is applied to helping people locally AND globally hear the gospel as we meet needs! Click below and give today!

Athi River Project

We’re reaching the people of Athi River! 

The generosity of Cross City has generously given more than $300,000 to give clean water and the hope of Jesus to the people who live near Athi River in Kenya! Join us as we continue to see great things happen here!  

Watch this video about the project, and read more below. 


Help people around the world find real hope!

Bucket Ministry

The Bucket Ministry is a passionate group of ordinary people singularly committed to bringing The Gospel and the gift of clean, safe drinking water to all the underserved areas of the world. We are focused partners with TBM, investing hundreds of thousands to reach large slums in Africa and planning to expand the gospel’s reach in Central America. 

e3 Partners

e3 Partners strives to equip God’s people to evangelize His world by establishing healthy, multiplying, transformative churches everywhere. e3 equips believers to take ownership of the Great Commission, to send believers into local and global communities to evangelize the lost, and to partner with other believers to establish new churches across the globe. 

International Mission Board

The International Mission Board works to take the gospel to every nation, tribe, people, and language. It’s one of the largest, most organized, and most effective mission organizations in the world. We support the IMB (and other significant mission organizations) through the Cooperative Program, which receives 10% of our tithes.  

The Voice of the Martyrs

The Voice Of The Martyrs (VOM) is a nonprofit, interdenominational missions organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world. Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is dedicated to inspiring believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and to fulfill His Great Commission—no matter the cost.


Wycliffe believes that Bible translation is most transformational as a locally led, sustainable ministry of the church. Wycliffe USA serves together with churches and Bible translation organizations around the world so that local churches have Scripture and other resources to meet their spiritual needs, along with the capacity to continue to meet those growing needs in the future.

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