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The Journey

The North Campus of Cross City Church was launched to reach people in the rapidly growing region north of Fort Worth. Since we started in 2019, we have used schools and other rented facilities as places for worship and ministry, asking volunteers to unload (and reload) two trailers of equipment and supplies each week. Believing in the cause, our people have remained committed and have worked tirelessly to be part of the mission!!!

Launch at Byron Nelson High School

January 2019

About 100 members of Cross City launch a new campus in Trophy Club

Holiday Inn

May 2020

After the global pandemic pauses services, a new location is found

Larry North Fitness

September 2020

The campus moves to a location better suited for their needs

Return to Byron Nelson High School 

June 2021

As the pandemic restrictions ease, the campus heads back to Byron

Caprock Elementary

January 2023

A new location is found that is better for young families and volunteers

The Destination

On May 23, 2024, land was acquired to build a permanent home for the North Campus. This property is located in the heart of the fast-growing Alliance region, which will see more than 10,000 homes built in the years ahead. Through God’s provision and the generosity of His people, we were able to purchase the property without debt…


Located in Haslet, TX

The Vision

We’ve already begun making plans! Drawings are underway for a new facility for the North Campus. Here’s just a little glimpse into what you can expect. 


And Exterior Features

Interior Features

Worship Center


God has blessed the North Campus from the beginning! We’ve already received $5 m from generous donors, and with that, have purchased our new land without debt. Our estimated project cost is $10 m, and it will take all of us to reach our goal.

Total Estimated Cost:

Funds Raised:

Funds needed:

$10 - 11 M

$5 m

$5 - 6 m

Cost overview:

Land purchase:

Estimated building costs:

Other Costs:

$2.5 m

$6 - 7 m

$1 - 1.5 m

Land purchase:

Estimated building costs:

Other Costs:

$2.5 m

$6 - 7 m

$1 - 1.5 m

Primary Funding Source:

Gifts from the people of Cross city

Together, we can fully fund this project! Over the years, we’ve seen the faithfulness of God through the giving of Cross City people, and we believe we’ll see this yet again. It will require all of us to take a step of faith, and the commitment starts with us at the North Campus.

North Campus Goal: $1 M

We lead the way!

Cross City’s North Campus will make the first commitments, setting the tone for the church. In early 2025, we’ll invite the whole church to participate. Prior to this step, we’ll have the opportunity to show that we’re all-in on the North Campus Project. Believing that the best days are ahead of us, let’s lead the way into the future of the North Campus.

Total Estimated Cost: $10 - 11 M

Funds Raised: $5 M

Funds needed: $5 - 6 M

Cost overview:

Land purchase: $2.5 M

Estimated building costs: $6 - 7 M

Other Costs: $1 - 1.5 M

Together, we can fully fund this project! Over the years, we’ve seen the faithfulness of God through the giving of Cross City people, and we believe we’ll see this yet again. It will require all of us to take a step of faith, and the commitment starts with us at the North Campus.

Primary Funding Source:

Gifts from the people of Cross city

North Campus Goal: $1 M

We lead the way!

Cross City’s North Campus will make the first commitments, setting the tone for the church. In early 2025, we’ll invite the whole church to participate. Prior to this step, we’ll have the opportunity to show that we’re all-in on the North Campus Project. Believing that the best days are ahead of us, let’s lead the way into the future of the North Campus.

What's My Part?

Start with prayer!

Any undertaking of this significance starts with prayer. For many years, Cross City has looked to three prayers as we’ve asked God to guide us.

1) Lord, is this of you?

2) Lord, what’s my part?

3) Lord, bless your people so that we may give!

Let’s all prayerfully begin considering what we’ll do to help us make this project a reality!

Make a Commitment

We’re encouraging each person to prayerfully consider a three-year financial commitment. This usually involves choosing an overall amount to be given in regular installments. Other commitment options include making a one-time donation, transfer of stock, or other types of gifts. For help with other types of gifts, contact

How do I make a commitment?

On October 6, 2024, we’ll invite everyone to make a commitment. Commitment cards will be distributed on Sunday, September 29. They are also available from Guest Central or online. 

How do I give?

You can give in several ways, including in person on Sundays (cash or check), by mail (check), and online. Many people choose to maximize their gift through bank-generated check or by EFT. To explore other giving options, contact

Make a commitment!

Prayerfully consider what you can give, then get started!

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