Guest Central is your one-stop location for everything you need to know, from finding your way around to discovering ways to connect. There’s a Guest Central desk just inside the West/Guest Entrance (see map). We’d love to help you get to where you need to go!
Kids & Students
We have something for everyone in your family. We have great opportunities for preschoolers, kids, and students! Stop by Guest Central to find out more.
If you have any questions or concerns about your visit, please contact us. We’re glad to help!
From inspiring worship services to engaging community outreach initiatives, immerse yourself in the diverse experiences that define our welcoming church family.
Connection Groups are small groups that meet to explore the Bible and help each other grow. These Connection Groups are about building your relationship with God and doing life together!
Guest Central is your one-stop location for everything you need to know, from finding your way around to discovering ways to connect. There’s a Guest Central desk just inside the West/Guest Entrance (see map). We’d love to help you get to where you need to go!
Kids & Students
Childcare is not available during this service.
If you have any questions or concerns about your visit, please contact us. We’re glad to help!
From inspiring worship services to engaging community outreach initiatives, immerse yourself in the diverse experiences that define our welcoming church family.
Connection Groups are small groups that meet to explore the Bible and help each other grow. These Connection Groups are about building your relationship with God and doing life together!
Centro de Bienvenida Norte es tu lugar para encontrar toda la información que necesitas para conectarte en la iglesia. El Centro de Bienvenida Norte está afuera de El Chapel.
Para Tu Familia
¡Tenemos varias actividades y programas para cada uno en tu familia! Muchas oportunidades para los pre-escolares, niños, y estudiantes. ¡Ve al Centro de Bienvenida para encontrar más!
¿Tienes alguna pregunta?
Si tienes alguna pregunta acerca de tu visita, por favor contáctanos. ¡Estamos listos para ayudarte y servirte!
Desde inspiradores servicios de adoración hasta atractivas iniciativas de extensión comunitaria, sumérjase en las diversas experiencias que definen a nuestra acogedora familia de la iglesia.
Los Grupos de Conexión son grupos pequeños que se reúnen para explorar la Biblia y ayudarse mutuamente a crecer. ¡Estos Grupos de Conexión tratan de construir su relación con Dios y vivir la vida juntos!
Guest Central is your one-stop location for everything you need to know, from finding your way around to discovering ways to connect. There’s a Guest Central desk just inside the West/Guest Entrance (see map). We’d love to help you get to where you need to go!
Kids & Students
We have something for everyone in your family. We have great opportunities for preschoolers, kids, and students! Stop by Guest Central to find out more.
If you have any questions or concerns about your visit, please contact us. We’re glad to help!
From inspiring worship services to engaging community outreach initiatives, immerse yourself in the diverse experiences that define our welcoming church family.
Connection Groups are small groups that meet to explore the Bible and help each other grow. These Connection Groups are about building your relationship with God and doing life together!
Cross City Kids (grades K-5) meet during the 10 am worship time for fun, games, and learning important truth from the Bible.
Cross City Preschool (birth-K) will have a separate place to learn and grow at 10 am.
Students (grades 6-12) are invited to attend worship and will have opportunities to connect at other times during the week.
Upcoming Featured Events
From inspiring worship services to engaging community outreach initiatives, immerse yourself in the diverse experiences that define our welcoming church family.
Connection Groups are small groups that meet to explore the Bible and help each other grow. These Connection Groups are about building your relationship with God and doing life together!