The Miracle of the Resurrection

S1 - The City Assembly

Join us for a powerful two-week apologetics course with Abraham Wright as we explore The Miracle of the Resurrection at MDWK in The City. This course will take place on…

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Healthy Home Sunday 2025

Join us on February 2nd for Healthy Home Sunday.  We’ll take a moment to answer the question, “Who are my people?”  and see why our church family is so important. We'll keep the regular Sunday schedule with connection groups and Worship services. It's all part of our ongoing effort to build strong spiritual foundations and pass them on.

Connection | English as a Second Language

Room 283

Study English and learn from the Bible. All nationalities are welcome. This class is for Beginning and Intermediate English Language Learners.

Equip | English as a Second Language | Sunday

2nd Floor Sitting Area

Study English and learn from the Bible. All nationalities are welcome. This class is for Beginning and Intermediate English Language Learners.

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