Our love for the metroplex is too big to be confined! If you live anywhere near the Alliance region north of Fort Worth, Cross City’s second location at Haslet Elementary will be your new favorite place! Join us for the Cross City experience featuring live teaching and worship every week. We can’t wait to meet you!
You’ll find a whole new tribe of people ready to do life with you, and our Kids and Student teams are ready to welcome your whole family!
Whether you are thinking about visiting for the first time or have been a member for decades, there are tons of ways to take your next steps toward deepening your faith and connecting with others.
Have Fun and Grow
Your Kids will feel right at home! Sunday Connection for Kids starts at 10 am for Preschool (Birth – 5-years-old) and Kids (Kindergarten – 5th grade). Every Sunday morning is packed with high-energy games, creative teaching, dynamic worship, and great small group times for the older kids. This happens every week of the year and it all goes down inside of Haslet Elementary.
Cpnnection for Adults, Fun for Kids
If you as parents want to jump into one of our 9 am Connection Groups, our team is ready to engage with your kids as soon as you arrive. They’ll have fun while you connect and grow!
We Care about Kids!
Every one of our leaders have been background checked and has been carefully chosen to help care for your kids and keep them safe. Your kids will love our leaders and they will love this time of their week every Sunday.
Meet and Connect with Other Students
Students have a great way to get involved and stay connected at the Alliance Campus each Sunday at 9 am. This is our Student Connection time and we have some of the best leaders who love students and leading them in small group discussion each week. Forgot to eat breakfast? No worries! We always have some food ready for you. Show up, walk in, and check out the Cross City Student family ready to welcome you!
A Place for Students
Every Wednesday Night, The Garage is the place your student wants to be. Good food, good fun, awesome worship and teaching from God’s Word make for an incredible filling-station for our students (grades 6th-12th) during the week. The Garage kicks off each week at 6 pm and we are done by 8 pm. For more details on where it is and how to get in, ask Kent or Pam at alliance@crosscity.church and make sure you mention STUDENTS in it.
No one should try to live this life alone! Our Connection Groups meet on Sundays at various times and Wednesday nights. Our people truly care for each other, value God’s Word, have fun, and do real life together. We all need our people, so let us help you find yours. Have questions? Email us at alliance@crosscity.church.
You never look more like Jesus than when you serve someone else. Ready? Jump in with us at the Alliance campus! We have plenty of places and ways for you to volunteer and make a difference! Hospitality, in the parking lot, kids, students, worship, media, set-up, and tear-down are just a few of the ways you can serve. There is definitely a spot for you to serve as often as you would like.
Let us help you find it!
Find a group and check it out this week!